Originals one off's and Prints Shop

LAKI139 - Bad Transmission II

LAKI139 - Bad Transmission II


Bad Transmission II by LAKI139. Original. Mixed media on paper. Framed by the artist in brushed steel. 31cm x 22cm (A4)

Simon Slater aka LAKI139.

 A veteran of the UK graffiti scene Laki139 has taken his passion for letterforms, typography and calligraphy and developed a language that underlines the symbiotic relationship between the three in his working methods. He likes to work on reclaimed surfaces, from wood panels to reclaimed steel sheeting, anything he finds in the street that seems interesting; recreating the spontaneity of painting a wall and reacting to something in real time. His studio is full of surfaces waiting for an idea and ideas waiting for a surface. He works within the tension between the roughness and decay of these materials and the elegance and grace of his calligraphy. These are worked on in layers over weeks, sometimes months, utilising collage and industrial typography, all with the vandals eye for the perfect spot repurposed to his own ends.

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